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Sunday Sit Down #4

Sunday, 10 January 2016
It has been about a week since I set myself my some blogging and life goals and I already have updates..isn't that exciting? So I'm pretty much just going to delve right it.

So firstly, drum roll please... we have chosen the venues for our wedding. Yep, we totally went straight in with that goal and sorted it. I'm going to do more posts on these as things come closer to the actual wedding planning phase. I've already contacted both of the venues and they are free for the date that we want (give or take a week) and it's super duper exciting. For those that are interested we are aiming for around the 10th of October 2017, yes its miles away but hey weddings aint cheap, so this gives us plenty of time to save money and really make it special. The last thing you want to do with your wedding is rush it or go cheap, because it's the one time you really get to make it your own, plus I don't want to regret not doing it another way after. I can't wait to go visit them when the weather clears up slightly!
So, there you go ladies and gents, I'm crazy excited and now have to wait 22 months....sigh.

Then as of this week we have also booked our first holiday of 2016 out to see Nicks mum in Cyprus in May, which is crazy exciting. By the time we fly out there it will have been 7 months since we saw the fam, so we are both super excited to get out there and soak up some sun, go on some adventures and spend time chilling with the family. I'm also excited at the prospect of having my engagement resized so it fits my finger properly, as some of you may know we got engaged in Cyprus last April and decided to buy our engagement ring out there too. The ring we bought was too big and the jeweller we bought from assured us it was totally resizeable but after talking to a few places they couldn't do it because it turned out to be 5 sizes too big. We contacted the lady we bought it from and she said she was happy to re-size it for us next time we are in here's hoping we can get it done even a couple of sizes smaller so it's at least a little tighter, cross you fingers for me!

Then lastly, saving money. I've been really trying to resist all urges when buying things week which has been going really well. Nick and I had a chat this week and have decided to take a big step and move all of our earnings into a joint bank account as a step to save much more money. I'll let you know how this works out but we are planning on putting this in action at the beginning of February, what better time to save more money when you have a wedding to get planning?

I also went out for lunch with the lovely Sheffield bloggers lot as we've not been together since before Christmas. It was great seeing everyone and eating cake at the Eten Cafe, I work right next to this place and have never been in before so I might pop in more often now as I enjoyed it. They also do some really cool local artwork so I might make a purchase at some point!

The first week back at work went surprising quickly so that can only mean next week is going to drag like hell so good luck to everyone else out there!

Lets catch up soon?

4 comments on "Sunday Sit Down #4"
  1. Ohh thats so exciting about the wedding! I would totally book it really early like you, then you know it's done and have lots of time to do all the other prep!

    Jasmin Charlotte

  2. Wedding progress is always so fun! I miss planning mine!

    Hazel @

  3. Awww this is so exciting, good luck with all the planning! Plus a holiday in Cyprus sounds amaaaazing, you lucky thing xo

    Holly |

  4. Hooray for booking the venues, it's all so exiting.. cannot wait for all the wedding posts!
    H x
