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Get Date Night Box Review

Tuesday 13 September 2016
When I saw the twitter handle for the @GetDateNight I was intrigued, I'm always on the look out for new things to do on date night and so this obviously appealed to me. When I saw that they tailor make a box for you and your partner with a surprise date night in it, I was immediately all aboard that train. Due to Nick and I getting married in less than 6 weeks (EEEK) we're pretty strapped for cash at the minute and anything new or fun to do together that isn't too expensive appeals to us massively right now, so I was over the moon when they wanted to do a collaboration!

We patiently waited a couple of days for our box to arrive and when it did we were really impressed with the box alone! It's black with the logo on the front and it looks really sophisticated and 'grown up'. Obviously I tore open the box sharpish to find out what was inside ours! We were first greeted with a sweet little note that said Tarnya and Nick on it, which is a lovely little touch and then we rummaged around inside to found out that ours was chocolate based. CHOCOLATE, PEOPLE! I'm a massive chocoholic and I was so redic happy that our box was based around chocolate.

In our box we had 4 different things to do. First of which was a taste test. We had a box of chocolates wrapped in different colours, there were two of each and a little score card. The test is to both try them and try and guess the flavours correctly. This was fun and all the chocolates tasted amazing! It was really funny to tell the difference between Nick and I's tastes. Nick is massive chilli head, so his taste buds are clearly half dead because he couldn't pick up any of the subtle flavours like I could. He couldn't even taste the chilli flavoured one! After checking out the score sheet we both failed pretty miserably with only 2 out of the 6, but we were pretty close on the others but couldn't quite pin point exactly what the flavours were.

The next thing in the box were 2 'hot chocolate spoons'. I've seen these were quite popular last year and never picked any up, so we were quite excited to try them. We both made ourselves one to snuggle up and watch TV together. I have to say I was a little disappointed, they took absolutely ages to melt into hot milk and we clearly used too much milk because it tasted only half of chocolate, but this wasn't the box's fault at all, I just wish there were clearer instructions on how much milk to use with the spoons was all!

Next up was a little box of dark, milk and white chocolate, I have to be honest and say that Nick and I just snacked on these really and ate them all in one sitting, hah! They tasted amazing though and were a nice 'pick me up' treat when we were both knackered from work one night.

Then lastly there was a bag of white chocolate buttons and a small bottle of champagne. We were instructed to melt the white chocolate and coat a wine glass with it so that you can "lick the chocolate and then taste the champagne" as it apparently changes the flavour of it. Now this sounded pretty cool but also, pretty impractical for us. We didn't have anything to melt down the chocolate with, never mind coat the glass, let it cool and then drink the champagne. So what we actually did was one Sunday afternoon, sit and eat the entire bag of buttons whilst drinking the champagne, close enough right? ha ha! I honestly don't really like champagne so this didn't really appeal to me anyway, but I was pretty happy with eating god knows how many calories in white chocolate!

I have to say with this box I wasn't hugely impressed, I love chocolate and I liked the little game to play, but there could have been something more to it, maybe another game or something to make it more interesting rather than just a weekend treat of eating chocolate together. That said I am still interested in getting another box to see what else they come up with! This is totally not sponsored but I am thinking about taking advantage of the 50% off the first box off when you sign up, just so I can have a second go at this. If that box isn't impressive then I wouldn't go back for a third but I honestly think the concept is quite cool and unique. If you are a couple that want to do something fun and new to spice up a date night then maybe this is the thing for you!

What are your thoughts? I'd love to know in the comments!

4 comments on "Get Date Night Box Review"
  1. I loved this post Tarnya! I'm doing a review of a date box myself in a little while called Plan Our Date - that might be a little bit more up your street for activities! I'll let you know when it's posted! (I wouldn't say no to all the chocolate though) ����✨
    Jade xxx

  2. Aw what a shame you were a bit disappointed with the box. It sounds like a great box but I'd probably love a few more 'activity' sort of treats in there like you. :) Really intrigued by the hot chocolate spoons though, I've never seen then before, haha! xx

    Ashton |

  3. I really like the idea behind this, and the game with the chocolates was a good idea. This did seem like fun, but like you mentioned I don't think it would hurt to have a couple more activities in there too, but this looks really fun! I love the hot chocolate spoons too, I've only had one once, but they're so yummy! Love that you just ate the buttons and drank the champagne too. Ooh and congratulations and have fun when you get married in 6 weeks as well! - Tasha

  4. What a fab idea to have a date box! We always end up doing the same old thing so having a mystery box sent through would be fun!

    I think we'd probably be the same as you guys in the sense of playing the game and then just scoffing the chocolate haha :)

    Melissa x
